SOXPro Calze Grip Compression
Knee-high, and with a reinforced structure to protect the most stressed areas during performance, the GEARXPro Sports compression grip sock is used to promote the oxygenation of the muscle fiber and to reduce vibrationsduring effort which cause fatigue and cramps.
Characterized by the presence of arrow-shaped anti-slip pads, made with high quality silicone, they generate a Grip:In action which does not allow any slipping inside the shoe. The innovative technology used allows a decisive improvement in stability and control, drastically reducing the micro-movements that occur when practicing any sport.
The characteristic thin arrows cover the heel giving greater speed, precision and reduction of injuries. An extraordinary feeling of stability during the entire duration of the activity. By wearing our sock you will be able to live a unique experience in terms of comfort and lightness, thanks to the combination of the particular eco-sustainable fabric and the excellent quality of the yarn used.
On the one hand you benefit from the advantages of compression, on the other you enjoy the benefits of the Grip:IN action and the ultralight and extremely breathable material. During sports practice you will be free to focus on running, movement and strategy.
- Double Grip, the socks stand out for the double presence of internal and external grip
- Compression pants, improves blood flow as it travels from the legs towards the heart;
- Lightness, sustainable fabric with the finest cotton for greater comfort and agility
- Stability, the silicone arrows of the compression socks cover the heel giving greater speed and precision
- Breathability, ventilation system suitable for long performance in any weather condition
- Check, the toe of the SOXPro Compression grip sock is thinner for total management of body movements
- Sustainability, made with a special and ecological yarn obtained from plastic bottles
- Reduced Muscle Stiffness
- Pain reduction
- Reduced Swelling
- Regenerating Effect
- Massimo Comfort
- Helps remove lactic acid
- Improves Venous Return
- Blister Prevention
- Lowers the fatigue threshold
SOXPro Calze Grip Trekking
The SOXPro Trekking Grip Sock is essentially dedicated to hikers and lovers of outdoor adventures, but also suitable for all outdoor sporting activities.
The innovative structure of the sock has been designed to guarantee maximum comfort even for challenging and multi-day excursions: optimal support which, starting from the sole of the foot, manages to promote the well-being of the whole body during the entire sporting performance.
Maximum ankle support is guaranteed by the sprainsand strain on the joints. Thanks to the reduced slipping between the foot and the shoe, the central nervous system has less need to activate the motor units. Additionally, the Grip:IN action on the heel prevents blisters caused by the sock sliding on damp skin.
The perfect mix between the containment bands and the breathable elastic ones, combined with the presence of Grip:IN technology, will help the athlete in the correct posture and in reducing physical stress due to micro-movements. The total reinforcement of the foot, from the heel to the toe, is guaranteed by the presence of a 360-degree light sponge which, in addition to preventing the formation of blisters, ensures maximum comfort by protecting the most sensitive parts of the foot.
- Calze Grip, the silicone arrows do not allow any slipping inside the shoe;
- XCROSS-YARN, maximum ankle support thanks to the multi-material structure and strategic reinforcement bands.
- 360° CUSHION, total reinforcement of the toe in light sponge to cushion impacts.
- Breathable, the fabric guarantees maximum comfort and ventilation;
- Stability, extraordinary sensation of balance during the entire duration of the sporting performance;
- Maximum Stability
- Lowering of the Fatigue Threshold
- Increased Performance in Agility and Speed
- Pain Reduction
- Massimo Comfort
- Distortion Reduction
- Reduction of Micro-Movements
- Superior Reaction Time and Agility
- Greater Speed and Explosivity
- Improved Strength, Power and Accuracy
01. Quali benefici offre la tecnologia Grip:IN?
La tecnologia Grip:IN, grazie ai cuscinetti antiscivolo in silicone di alta qualità, riduce lo scivolamento tra piede e scarpa, prevenendo la formazione di vesciche e migliorando la stabilità e il controllo durante l’attività fisica.
02. Come la calza aiuta a prevenire infortuni?
Grazie alla sua struttura avanzata, la calza riduce i micromovimenti all'interno della scarpa, minimizzando lo stress fisico e supportando una postura più stabile durante l’attività fisica.
03. A chi è dedicata la calza SOXPro Compression?
La calza SOXPro Compression è pensata principalmente per chi pratica running, trail running e attività sportive ad alta intensità, ma è perfetta anche per tutti gli sportivi che cercano supporto, stabilità e recupero muscolare ottimale.
04. A chi è dedicata la calza SOXPro Trekking?
La calza SOXPro Trekking è ideale per escursionisti, amanti delle avventure all'aria aperta e per chi pratica attività sportive outdoor, offrendo comfort e prestazioni elevate anche per uscite prolungate.
05. Quali sono i vantaggi della compressione?
La compressione migliora la circolazione sanguigna, riduce l’affaticamento muscolare e favorisce il recupero dopo l’attività fisica, rendendo la calza una scelta ideale per sessioni intense o prolungate.